Monday, March 10, 2008

post-production day 3

today is the 3rd day into our post production!

i have to say that our team is progressing relatively well! our post-editing is almost 85% done!
my team felt so appreciated when other groups reviewed our video and gave positive comments! =D

today, Yijie and me touched up on our video title. *apparently this is what yijie said the art department should do. well, I DID NOT BRING A CAMERA TO SCH. did not want to use my phone cam.. it gives really lousy quality. anw, i will see if i am able to upload tt small section into youtube and post it up tml. i found that yijie really gave constructive comments to assist me today. i really appreciate it yijie!

huizhen and novem continued on with the audio production! THANKS ALOT NICHOLAS AND FROGGY for helping us out with the dubbing. =D i felt that audio definitely made an important role in bringing out the whole feel of the video.. and this is definitely the hard work of NOVEM and HUIZHEN.

gave suhba and rachel to start on the credit roll...

still rolling~

not badly done thou. lotsa of questions brought up along the way.

well, i think by tml we shud be done! tml will finished up on presentation slides for interim presentation 2, and we are done for p2! =D wednesday no need go to school so early.

will post up a youtube file on art department's creation on the animation of our video's title

interesting day..

din knew i was god. =P