Friday, March 21, 2008

end of p2

finally! it is the end of p2!

had fun working with my team.

had our ups and downs.

but nevertheless, it was a good experience!


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

compilation of documents

met up with my team members at 12 today at hereafter to compile our documents.. only me, novem, huizhen, rachel and Yijie (who showed up later cause he had something on at that timing).

subah smsed in the morning, said she was gg to the dentist... so cant turned up. NVM!

i did not realize that my team spent about close to $80 on our props and etc.. HAHA and today rachel is very blur. she divided the total cost among 5 team members.. which brought the total cost for each person to be about $17.. hahaha so funny. i was rather shocked at first when i saw that each person had to pay about $17 when the total cost was $80.. it does not make sense at all.. $17 x 6 = $102.. total cost should be $102.. so where is the rest of the $22... we only realize she divided the total cost by 5 when huizhen asked her.. omgg..

3) ME
6) YOU forget about yourself? hahaa

wher is my $25! lol

today, we compiled the necessary documents and tomorrow we shall take it for BINDING! binding uh.. we can do it ourselves larr.. btw, the dvd is burned and there is a new cover to IT! will post up the new cover later! =D

we are 99.9% done.. left that 0.01% (binding up + submission) and we are seriously done for P2!

right now, i have to go get started on the peer appraisal..

art department's documentation

above are print screen images of art department documentation that are to be submitted together with the rest of the documentations. In the documentation, i have brought up some of the changes that will to be made/have already been made to the design of the production set along the way of producing it.

the last print screen image is the whole overall outlook/overview on the production set.


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

interim presentation 2

today is interim presentation 2! at hereafter..

julian had some positive comments after viewing it.. julian commented that we should let old toto mention in the 2nd time that mato tricked him that if he ever tricked him again, he is not going to come to his rescue again. and that would better bring across the message that my team is trying to get across to our audiences. Well, other than that, Julian felt that my team was quite alright and he was rather pleased with our work (hopefully).

after reviewing, we are left with the inserting of the title which HZ claimed that it was not possible to insert it into FCP.. the file that was in hz's harddisk was not able to be played in fcp.. and apparently, the file could also not be found in hz's folder and harddisk.. me and yijie (art dept) then went back to 2D lab to retrieve the file! funny yijie, claims that he was unable to find for the folder when the folder was just right on the desktop. we retrieved the file, then tried once again to insert it into FCP. FCP then reads, "FILE ERROR!" wah. was damn irritated. luckily for the team, there was this guy who was standing behind us.. i think he is the new technical staff.. guna no. 2? i don noe.. and so, he looked looked see see.. do some settings and changes and then import the new movie file into FCP.. and miraculously, it worked!

thank you, guna no.2!

and so, the title is settled. huizhen and novem will finalise on the video (since they are the director and asst. director) and then export them into a dvd.

also, i revamped the whole image of the dvd cover..*the old one was not so appropriate as the pictures that i have choose to work as the frontal cover were pictures of the extras and not the talents.. and so i revamped the whole dvd cover.* also.. JUST REALISED so many other groups out there also doing DVD covers.. saying what i was the one who set the standard for them. =) well, cool!

will post the new design of the dvd cover tml!

btw, each of us were required to do the necessary documentation and have them printed tml so that we can collate them and hand them in as our p2 documentation. well, i am in-charged of the production set design haha, and i'm done with the necessary documentation!

yeah! tml meet up with team @ 12, collate everything and then mus do e peer appraisal forms and then i AM DONE WITH p2!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

post-production day 5

today is the 5th day of our post-production. met up with my team at 11am in hereafter lab. today we were supposed to be done with the last part of our audio, den export our video out and then discuss what is needed to be done for tml interim presentation 2. well, my team did not managed to do all that.. had some unforeseen circumstances =D it does not really cause a big hiccup to the whole team as we are pretty much ahead of time!

just got to hear that our interim 2 presentation is postponed to next tuesday due to the unavailability of the audio suites and the editing suites in hereafter.. this would be good for all of us i feel.. even though my team is quite done with everything, the extra time given would allow us to better edit our final video and do the necessary arrangement for next tuesday interim 2.

today, suhba and rachel were given the task of doing the trailer for our video.. supposedly to be done by today before we (me, yijie, and the two of them) we
re to leave school.. however, due to some unforeseen circumstances.. =(, they did not managed to do the trailer today.. hopefully, they were be able to finish up on the trailer tml.. it is not going to take them quite long i hope..

huizhen and novem were off for a short break today..apparently to help a guy by the name of Jackie to shoot? hahaha. anyway, they really deserved this break.. away from sch! after all, they have been working their asses off. APPRECIATE it. =D

i realized that it wi
ll actually take us quite some time to render our videos from fcp after we are done with our necessary editing.. i took 4 tries (each lasting bout 10 mins) to render our video.. something wrong with the setting each time i render it.. i realized that i should use export --> quick time compression and not export --> quick time before rendering out the video.. INTERESTING haha. i also realised that i am also supposed to select all the tracks available before rendering.. if not it will not be captured. this is interesting. i am not so much on the post-production side.. more towards the pre and production side.. well @ least today i learn something about post-production! interesting!

and after that, since i got some time, i tho
ught to myself.. why not do some stuffs to package our work.. wouldn't it look more professional? so i got down to 3D lab and started designing the dvd cover. hereafter lab no photoshop and stuffs. MOST IMPORTANTLY! no internet. i was not able to get my pictures if there were no internet in hereafter lab.. so i went down to 3D.

here is how it looks like! i have not show the rest of the team for review.. will do so tml! =D

yijie gave me some ideas and suggestions! thanks yj! =D we are the best art department uh!

today has definitely been an INTERESTING day.

as promised. our title for our video

i did this together with yijie! worked with livetype and flash! we used flash to cr8 those footsteps at the end.. well, i chose to work with the shaky fonts for the word TOMATO-ED because i wanted to create the effect of bloody feeling and the effect of fear that is instilled in our video.. the fear that mato had when his grandpa (old toto) did not come to his rescue when he called for his help for the 3rd time (he played pranks on his family for the first 2 times, his family did not believe him, thus did not go to his help for the 3rd time). those footsteps were created in sync with the last part of our video, where there was this scene where PINE PINE dragged mato back to his cave. so those bloody footsteps were done so to as to create the same feel that has already been created in the video..

interesting! as mentioned, livetype is a whole new software that i have never learnt about. this chance allowed me to have a better understanding on livetype.

ALSO, before i forgot, i realised that fcp was not able to import .avi file TODAY! don noe yijie heard frm who that fcp was able to import .avi files.. well, was not able to import our title file into fcp. flash did not allow us export our video as a .mov file.. dont know because of some publish settings that are different so it was not able to export. LUCKILY for us (art department), ivan helped us with it. we exported our file as a jpeg sequence from flash.. before importing into aftereffects and then exporting it as a .mov file again! it sounds confusing but nevertheless, i learnt something new again today.. learnt how to work around corners if going straight is not a choice. =D

thanks ivan!

post production day 4

did not managed to upload the videos onto youtube yet.. will upload it on thurs! so sorry! been caught up with so many things lately..

will be down for grad's ceremony live shoot tml! today was at the grad's ceremony - alumni night (kind of thing i think) shoot. hahaha. it was interesting to be able to view so many of my seniors work! it was so cool!

team is doing fine.

huizhen and novem are both doing a gr8 job till dis moment.. APPRECIATE it!

team's project is gg fine.. bout 90% done.. =D thurs shall finish up on the last bit of audio.. and we're done!

Monday, March 10, 2008

post-production day 3

today is the 3rd day into our post production!

i have to say that our team is progressing relatively well! our post-editing is almost 85% done!
my team felt so appreciated when other groups reviewed our video and gave positive comments! =D

today, Yijie and me touched up on our video title. *apparently this is what yijie said the art department should do. well, I DID NOT BRING A CAMERA TO SCH. did not want to use my phone cam.. it gives really lousy quality. anw, i will see if i am able to upload tt small section into youtube and post it up tml. i found that yijie really gave constructive comments to assist me today. i really appreciate it yijie!

huizhen and novem continued on with the audio production! THANKS ALOT NICHOLAS AND FROGGY for helping us out with the dubbing. =D i felt that audio definitely made an important role in bringing out the whole feel of the video.. and this is definitely the hard work of NOVEM and HUIZHEN.

gave suhba and rachel to start on the credit roll...

still rolling~

not badly done thou. lotsa of questions brought up along the way.

well, i think by tml we shud be done! tml will finished up on presentation slides for interim presentation 2, and we are done for p2! =D wednesday no need go to school so early.

will post up a youtube file on art department's creation on the animation of our video's title

interesting day..

din knew i was god. =P

Saturday, March 8, 2008

post-production day 2

today is the day 2 of my post-production! as mentioned yesterday, i has decided to go to school early to get started on my part of post-production.. was in sch at 9. =D not alot of ppl were in school.

and so, i went into hereafter to get started. went through all the available fonts and livetexts and after some time, i decided to work on one! *p.s so sorry that i did not bring my camera out yesterday, thus was unable to show you some pictures right here. DONT worry. will take some pictures on monday and post it up then! yes.. i was saying i decided to work on that one.. i thought that livefont will give audience the feeling of fear.. as our video also ended in fear. where lil mato got poked by the pineapple.. so i thought that livefont will work.

however, after meeting up with hz, she felt that the whole outlook was not what she was looking for. hz wanted something that was more comedy and more cartoonish. AND so.. that whole livefont had to be put aside and i had to work with another one! =D nvm ah. it was fun xploring different text and livefonts that are available.. will post pictures/footages of what i have done today on monday!

my team was supposed to work on our post production (audio) today.. but however, lil did we realise that there were so many other groups that were eyeing on the audio room as well.. especially the animation students. hahaha. share share lar..

my team was just left with the title/credit rolls and the audio and we are done with P2 .. or rather 90% done for P2 i believe so..

so, it was still ok that we do not do the audio today..

my team is on track! cool! that why i feel that my team has done a very good job so far. it is everything single lil thing that each of my team members does that kept the whole team gg on! kudos!

will post pictures on monday! and today was a cool day!

*moses called for an urgent meeting today at 4.25pm at LT 25.*
*i learnt livetype!*

Thursday, March 6, 2008

post-production day 1

today was the first day of my post-production after i didnt managed to turn up for my team's reshoot and post production yesterday.

when i saw all the footages that were pieced together into a video, i was damn impressed! it was damn cool.. even though the whole video was not complete (footages were not exactly cut properly, just grouping our scenes + our NG scenes together), the whole outlook was still impressive enough. everything looked just as planned..

and so as i reached school, i was offered the job of doing the title/credit rolls for our video. initially, i wasnt too sure how to go about doing it. huizhen told me to start by livetype.. =P i hasnt touched livetype before, so i was kinda not too sure whether i can go about doing it.. din not want to disappoint my group by producing a lousy piece of work..
however, huizhen sat beside me and we both went about exploring the whole programme. after 5-10 mins or so, i realised that livetype was just as simple as that! hahahah! i managed to do different styles of my team's video title.. and i have to say it really looked cool!

and so! i got addicted onto livetype! it was so interesting! =D

too bad that i was caught up with something in the evening, i had to leave early.. so din manage to fully explore livetype. nvm! i shall explore livetype tml morning! i will go to sch early in the morning to get my stuffs started.. hopefully my team members will have something to review later on in the day.

THANKS alot hz and novem + rest of team (not too sure who was on set) for helping to finish shooting the lost footages.
THANKS alot hz for doing the editing! cool! =D
THANKS alot novem for doing the sound! =D and uh... my $12.50? lol
THANKS alot rachel for chopping up the videos so that hz can do the necessarily editing.
THANKS alot YJ for giving us physical support.. HOR!

and for subah, take care and rest well! hope to see you back in the team soon!

thats all for now! shall blog about my post production day 2 tml.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


i am so sorry to my team that i did not turn up for today re-shoot and post-production session.
heard that some footages was eraased by accident yesterday. luckily for my team, we always transfer the files from the p2 camera to our working desktop after each shoot.. so it was kinda prominent that some our footages were not in the p2 card after that day shoot.. so i believed today was my team re-shoot! luckily for my team too, we did not destroy our production set until we are sure that our footages are safe. YOU SEE! this is something that will crop up at the last minute.. imagine what will happen to our video if the production set was destroyed after our wrap yesterday.. today will be a disaster..

anw, din manage to turn up for production and post production today was because i was helping out as a talent for shahul's group P2. their shoot was easy but not really that organized.. or shud i say unforseen circumstances have caught up with them. well, they spent quite some time fiddling out with the equipments, thus took up my time as well but even thou, neverthless, it was still fun being a talent for them. =D

and so, i will help out with my team tml!


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

production day 2

today is day 2 of our production! =)
call tim
e was the same as yesterday. 930am.. well, when my team members arrived, all looked so dead and tired. =X ytd production ended at quite late for huizhen and novem i guessed. some unexpected things caught up with them last minute when they were transferring the footages over.. luckily for us, PENG was in sch and he came to the their rescue (i heard). understood from them is that the format/version/whatever of the FCP was different from that there of the format/version that we have shot in the P2 cam.. well, after all peng solved the problem.

he is good.

oh yah. tt stupid yijie, stayed up in sch till so late for meeting meeting meeting. hahaha. he looked so dead and tired too. well people! we are almost there!

as mentioned ytd, we chang
ed our shoot location from 3-10A classroom to 3-10E classroom as there was a class that was going on in 3-10A classroom from 3-6pm. we thought that it would be hard to get back the same lighting that we had used for day 1 of our video production in 3-10E classroom, but however, just as we thought it would be very hard, it was actually quite easy. we just moved our set right under the lighting (supposedly the lightings were of the same brightness throughout the classrooms) and began our video production. luckily for us, this would also mean that our schedule was not disrupted. we are on schedule! actually, my team is ahead of our schedule! we intended to end our production tml but we are actually done with our production today! =D plenty thanks to the team for making it possible.. and many thanks to novem and huizhen who knew exactly what they wanted in the shoot.. not alot of time was wasted during production to plan the shots and things. COOL!

i have to say that my team worked well together. every one of us rendered help to every one of us and this has definitely sped up the whole production process.

photos of us doing the production! so sad. dont have many pictures of myself.. cause i am the one taking pictures.

our shoot location (before)

smile somemore novem! start shooting larr! =D

our shoot location (after) kinda cosy uh? not messy! =) still got radio ok!

huizhen preparing the clouds for shoot..

tts is about it for now... =)


ml is post-production!

Monday, March 3, 2008

production day 1

hell0! today is my bday! =) yes! i'm 19. well, a year older, which means should be a year smarter, a year more mature and a year more whatever it is.. LOL.

today supposed to celebrate my bday! but still, there is P2 to be done. well, bday aside.
today is day one of our production. crew call time was at 930.. met up with my team members in school.
huizhen has done a script breakdown or rather a shooting schedule for all the team members during the weekend. have to say i was quite impressed.. she was definitely sure of what she wanted. afterall, she is the assistant director.

today supposed to start shooting our first scene at 1100. we were actually supposed to be ready with our props and everything by 1100. 930 was the call time. we have 1 1/2 hours to get everything done. however, some unforseen circumstances caught up with us last minute. Firstly, the size of our set was too big to pass through the main door leading to the 3-10 classrooms. Thus, we have to cut the front section of the set up (luckily for us, there was quite alot of empty space infront). Then as we were in the classroom (3-10A), we were faced with another problem. The lightings in the classroom were very much different from the one that we expected in the Audioroom. Thus, we spent quite some time before we managed to settle down on a lighting that the whole team was pleased and happy with. and so as we continued on with our production, another problem caught up. As the whole team was settled down and happy with our working environment, a lecturer by the name of Roslin came in and said that he was having a class there from the time of 3-6pm. The few of us were stunned and did not know what to to do. Luckily for us, we managed to contact Julian. WOW. was touched that he actually came all the way down to the classroom even though he was in the middle of EE ( i believe its external examination). he came all the way down to our team's rescue. the whole team was definitely very grateful. Julian managed to get the Roslin's class to move to another classroom while we complete our shoot for today and move to another classroom tml.

URGH! tml we gotta find another location in the classroom that will have the same lighting temperature as the one that we are using for in 3-10A classroom.. hopefully it is not gonna take up too much time... today production was quite interesting and schedule was quite on time even though we took up quite some time in the setting up for the shoot. Huizhen did a right thing by scheduling more than enough time for one scene when t
hat particular scene do not need that much amount of time. Another thing that i felt huizhen and novem did right were that our team's pre-production were planned quite detailed. Novem (director) and huizhen (asst-director) knew what they wanted in the video and thus when it came to production, everything fell nicely into place one after another..

tts about it for production day 1.. looks like we are able to finish our shoot on time (wednesday). lets hope that tml production will be another successful day!

before i end off, happy bday to myself!

here are some pictures that i took during our production.. as evidence (maybe?) hahaha. or for memories (i believe so?)

mato! our lead character~ =) old mato! our 2nd lead character!

our set design! look like resort kind of. so cool uh!

the all in one controller! hahaha no larr. for recording use only.

our camera! action!

well, tts all for today. will keep you guys updated! cya!

Friday, February 29, 2008

pre-production day 5

day 5 of our pre-production! =)

this is getting better, with my set design almost done.
actually, it is done, a hole just needed to be cut for to form its cave.

before i continues, i was pleased with my team was working well as one. each and everyone of us definitely made a difference to the team.
i have to thanks the following people for making the production of my set design a success..

1) yijie for my personal assistant as i built the set.
2) novem and huizhen for helping me with the set whenever yijie was not beside me. =X they also provided me with constructive ideas on how to get the set going.. thanks! =D
3) subah for helping me build all the trees that i need for the tomatoes area. it was definitely a tedious process and i appreciate it. oh yah.. she is the tree woman.
4) rachel for helping me build the mountains for the durian area. i know plasticine sucks in feel and smell, but nevertheless we are there! we are done! =D thanks!
5) myself for building the set, painting the set, arranging the objects in my art direction.. cool!

overview of my set design:

take a look at the tomatoes area.. have alot of greenery, a lake and their house -a very stress free outlook

have a peek at the durian's 'house': rocks, mountains and sands plus a bit of grass form the area where the durian is - a very solemn mood (mood board):

interim presentation 1 was cool! Julian seems pleased with what we have to offer him.. and he added that we are GOOD to go. though everything is such a rush, i was definitely happy that we are right on track.
we are intending to start shoot on monday and wrap the shoot on thursday.
meanwhile, huizhen and novem will get their part done well as director and assistant director. and also the team has decided to work with p2 camera instead of DV cam (p2 size is twice the size of the DV cam..
and even though the p2 cam is definitely able to fit into the set but one thing for sure, our movement are definitely restricted..)

well even with that, we still chose to work with p2 because peng taught us some of the functions that the p2 can offer us when we are doing our stop motion and the team is definitely happy with what is has to offer us.. the team also hope to have more contact with the p2 cam as it is still the cam that we will be using for our FYP. so isnt it better to start early? =D

well, no worries! we will work our way around.
we will definitely come up with something with 6 brilliant brains.

monday is our big day!

so rest well through the weekend guys! lets' r0ll the shoow on MONDAY!

~and, i have COOL people in my team.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

pre-production day 4

hello all! how are you doing? OK? hahaha. kong is not. kong is shagged. totally.

today! 28/2/2008 - day 4 of pre-production planning.
et up with my group members at 10.. STUPID yijie.. getting t00 much already. supposed to meet at 10, tt idiot ah... hahaha.. came at 1. LATE for 3 hrs! hmmm, i was disappointed and have nothing to say liao!

as of yesterday, me and my team have completed the structure of our set design.
as of today, me and my team have completed 3/4 of the layout of the design, the placement of the objects and things. i have to say that today was quite interesting.. i totally got to have that experience being an art-director. It was cool to compose and layout the objects. there have been a slight change to the layout of the objects - not as what i have planned initially. The changes were done on the spot, accordingly to the script that Novem and Huizhen have came up with yesterday. Though these changes were made, they were definitely minor and they have not caused any disruption to the entire structure of the set.

efinitely, no doubt, we are faced with difficulties along the way. one of the problems that we faced were getting the objects to remain where they are now and also at the same place for the shoot which will occur this monday. i tried with blue-tacks.. even though the objects were able to remain at its place... it was still not stable enough. there could NOT BE ANY movements made to the surroundings objects in stop motion, if not when the video is being played, it will seemed that the surrounding objects are being animated as well. Thus, the team thought of using hot gun to glue these objects down. SO, we went down to the PID workshop to borrow the hot gun. As always, the PID lecturers ( should not mentioned names) always seem so pissed off with the students. they always have this face whenever we approach them for help or equipments. SO, as we tried to borrow the hot gun, we were given this face by this lecturer! hahaha. doesnt really matter to me ah. Cause i know what this lecturer is like. AND so, with the hot guns, glueing our stuffs down to the board became so much easier..

FOR today, i was incharged of building the set.. the job of an art director..
Huizhen and Novem were in-charged of finalising the paperworks for interim presentation 1 tml..
rachel was incharged of building mountains for me.. she was also in-charged of the ppt slides for interim presentation 1tml..
suhbah was helping me with the constructing of trees for the set..
and for YIJIE.. he became my personal help. *cause he was late for our meeting.. so i got free personal help* Yije assisted me in building the set as well..

here are some images of our nearly completed set design...
as mentioned, my team made some changes along the way as we were building our set.. here are images of the
initial layout. if you guys still recall, in my initial draft of the layout design, i have designed the background of the set to be filled with mountains and trees.. let me show you my initial design of the set..

set design 1

set design 2

backgrd still e same.. change of the storyline, as mentioned, story happening btw a naughty tomato (protagonist) and a durian (antagonist).

set design 3 (drawn)

set design 3 (actual set)

however, as understood from my director, my director wanted a different mood and setting for both characters. For the tomato farm, my director wanted something that was more cheerful and more happy.. which explains why there were so many trees on the left side of the set -to make it greeny and and cheery. My director also called for a more solemn feel for the durian.. which explains why there would be mountains and stones and very little trees..

and so as we continued on, we made some changes along the way..
here are images our latest layout.. we included a river in the 'territory' of the tomatoes.. to liven up the whole outlook of the tomatoes.

this is all that we have done so far for our set design.. it is almost 3/5 complete. will complete the rest of them tml..

well, before i forget, the props that we are gg to use are kinda in the picture.. props that are no in wud be feeling the trees area with sands and putting more trees up at the bckground and also putting up more mountains at the other side of the set..

yupp, that is all for now. shall go through the ppt slides and things now..

*psst. tml is interim presentation 1. MONDAY starting shoot! will be COOL! =D stay tuned.

our set design~

good night!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

pre-production day 3

today is the day 3 of P2 - also the 3rd day of our PRE-PRODUCTION!
met up with my team in class.. as usual ah.. that yijie always
late! =P stay jurong big deal uh yijie! hahaha
showed my team the
production set design. had quite a few comments thou. there were pretty much positive feedbacks from them regarding the "forbidden area" which i have included in. we all felt that the "forbidden area" has brought about a better link in our story. Initially, the ending of our story is something like a guy picking up that mischievous apple, consumed it and then throw it remaining back at the "forbidden area". The apple will then be 'hurt' and then be left there to die.. there is how our story wanted to end initially.
However, after consultation with Julian this morning, there were different opinions from him. He felt that we should not combined both FANTASY and REALITY in our story, as there were different elements that were involved. He felt that if we wanted to foc
us on fantasy, we should just stick to fantasy. we then should not touch reality. The reality that i meant here would be the HAND coming in to picked up the apple to eat it.
If you guys remember my init
ial set design, there were knives on injured apples in the "forbidden area". The knives on these injured apples were also another point that Julian felt that it was rather much related to reality. why would there be knives and why are the knives doing there..
these are some of the qu
estions that were posted to us..

so, the big issue and big decision just now was.. whether do we want to stick with the fantasy idea and abort reality or make use of reality and abort the fantasy idea. i personally felt that the fantasy idea would be cool if we decided to carry on with it. i felt that there were some discomfort among my grp members in this morning team meeting.. i would say that not all of us were focused in the morning.. most of us were paying not attention to each other.. i have to admit it was rather unprofessional..however, we managed to settle this and continued on with the discussion of our project..

us discussing..

so other than questions that were thrown to us by Julian, Julian also gave us some ideas that we can work with for our storyline. this in return sparked off more ideas within us.. right now, we have decided to say BYE BYE to apples and say HELLO to tomatoes. my team decided to work with tomatoes rather than apples because we felt that tomatoes are cuter.. whatever. AND, not only that, we have decided to throw away the idea of the slaughterhouse/forbidden land and introduce a new character.. the smelly DURIAN! he wud be the antagonist while the tomato will be the protagonist.

yes! that is it! that is our new storyline.. the whole tone and outlook of the video would be funny and very kiddy.. after we decided on where we want our f
inal storyline to be heading, it is time to get down to work!
huizhen & novem are both doing the script and the storyboard;
me & yijie will be finalising the set design wwhile..
suhbah & rachel will source for the props which i have asked to to go look for..

me & yijie stayed to built our production set!

urgh, image quite small, used my phone camera to snap this off.. phone camera kinda old.. painting kinda was tough.. got paint on my t-shirt, pants, shoes.. IRRITATING! but neverthless, interesting!

here is the finished product.. (1/5 complete; will complete the rest tml!)

tt is all for today.. task due tml would be to finish up ppt and the set design!

today has been a tiring day..


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

pre-production day 2

this is the second day of P2.
even though it is only the day 2 of lesson, i can feel the intensity of the stress piling up. its coming! my group have only 2 more days to interim 1 presentation. i felt that there was still quite alot to be done..
so, after brainstorming the ideas ytd, i shared with them with my team members and Julian in class today. Had some feedbacks frm them. My idea was good to work with.. however there was one thing that was right on our agenda that hindered us from continuing on. That one thing would be ... would be... time.

Time is definitely a factor that our group has considered in when we chose the story to work with. Even though my was workable, time made it not so workable. there were so many things (talents, location recee) that had to be covered in my story and given only 6 days to finish up on production and post-production made things worse. thus, it was in no doubt that my story could not be done.
My team had some troubles initially when we were to choose our story. We were considering stories contributed by Novem, Rachel and Suhbah. After some discussion, we decided to work with novem's idea... only to realise that the storyline that we edited later on were very off from the original storyline and the original morale of the tale. We really wasted quite some time on something that has no headings to it. However, my team worked as one. We gathered our thoughts and re-picked a tale and chose a storyline after class. The aesopfable that we chose was contributed by suhbah - its the BOY WHO CRIED WOLF. our idea were to do a stop motion as we felt that it would be actually interesting to direct objects instead of humans. Our stop motion would consists of objects like apple and most interestingly, we will have a production set design. We felt that having a production set design would be
much captivating and much interesting rather than just shooting the apples on the kitchen tables. That wold be so boring..
However, some of my team members did not really vote for stop motion. They felt that they wanted to do smth that is more related to FYP - something like drama. One of my team member had no confidence in stop motion and thus, have doubts of doing stop motion, initially. we only concluded on stop motion when all the doubts were cleared and all the questions answered.
understood is that stop motion is quite tedious and needs lots of preparation works, if not, the process of doing it would be hell.

after we concluded on the style we want to work, we split up the jobs so that we know where we are heading towards by tml (wednesday 27/2/08).

not to forget that interim presentation 1 is on THURSDAY (28/2/08)!

here is the breakdown of the jobs allocated to each of us...
script: huizhen
shoot scheduling: rachel yang
shots composition: Novem
Props: Suhbah + Rachel + anybody else that can contribute props
Production set design: kong
producing production set: yijie

as can be observed, i am in charged of the design of our production set. i have drawn and designed the production set.. it is still not the final, may consider for changes if my team members are not pleased with it tml. However, before till then, let me show what i have designed.

tt wud be all for now.. would upload images of the props for the production set very soon! stay tuned!

Monday, February 25, 2008

pre-production day 1

today is the first day of p2, also the last block of the year! time really flies..
went for briefing in LT with the rest of the year 2. It has been quite some time since the whole of MOI year 2 actually squeeze together in one LT.
Alan then gave us a briefing on our p2. hahaha. urgh, it seems dull and boring initially, with the same usual pre-production things that we need to prepare, the production stages and then the post-production (editing and etc.)

however, one thing that was different this time is that the story that we were to choose are from aesopfables. they sorta and kind of have a meaning behind each story that is being told.
after alan's briefing, we broke out to our different classes to being further broken down into groups. Julian was my lecturer. Initially, we thought we were able to choose our own group, as we all know this is P2. Most of us want to commit fully to P2, in which, hopefully our P2 video will be able to act as our portfolio. however, this was not the case. we were broken down into our groups by numbers. AND thus, the people that are in my group are YiJie, Suhbah, Rachel, Novem and HuiZhen. A brand whole new and dynamic people that i have never worked with before. I have seen them working with other people, heard stories bout them, well, that are all in the past. since we are together now, its time to start brand new, start afresh!

haha. after we broken down into our individual groups, we started on our pre-production preparation. as mentioned earlier on, we were to go to to retrieve the story that we want to work with. I sourced for my story when i were home later in the day. after going through the different stories, i have decided to work with this story : the vixen and the lioness. the morale of the story is about quality and not quantity. i chose to work with this story as i felt that this storyline was plausible to work with, compared to the others. I also chose to work with this story as i felt that there is a very strong meaning to its morale. After i chose the story, i continued on with the forming up of the storyline. after brainstorming some ideas, i decided to work with this idea. the storyline is somehow like this: its about this rich mother who pampered and spoilt her twin sons (antagonist), not teaching them the right way of life, the right morale and the right attitude while this other poor mother raised her one and only son up with the right morale and attitude. whenever these two mothers met, the rich mum would always spite and despise the poor mum. the twins were bullies in sch, always bullying their friends. one day, they bullied this guy (they did not know that he was involved in gang activites or sort of). this guy did not retaliate when he was bullied cause he was alone. the protagonist happened to pass by, stopped the twins from bullying. * climax of the story * The guy that was bullied was indeed not happy, went to confront the twins after school with his friends. it was their turn. they whacked the twins up. Luckily for the twins, the protagonist saw it. talked to them and they decided to stop. the story ends when the protagonist helped the antagonist back to their home. * changes in story * the mother was very guilty at what she has said and done to the protagonist mum, ends off with a black on screen ( a phone call between the mothers, with the rich mother apologising to the other.)
morale of the story: it does not matter whether one have two or more kids. whats the point of having so many children when they do not have the proper right morale value. it is still better off having one that has the proper right morale value and cares for others!

this is still the first edition of the story. i'll just wait for my grp members review tml.. if they are pleased with the storyline, maybe we will go into the second stage of the story development..

summarizing today, i learnt smth. i learnt how to derive story from just a short paragraph of words. It is quite interesting to write and see the story forming at the same time (though it was quite frustrating when you cant link the story).. i also learnt how to immediately recognize the protagonist and the antagonist. learnt to write a story that changes from the beginning to the end (* there must be a change in the storyline, if nt it is nt a gd story.)

well, thats all for now for story development and pre-production!

lets see what is in store tml.