Thursday, March 13, 2008

as promised. our title for our video

i did this together with yijie! worked with livetype and flash! we used flash to cr8 those footsteps at the end.. well, i chose to work with the shaky fonts for the word TOMATO-ED because i wanted to create the effect of bloody feeling and the effect of fear that is instilled in our video.. the fear that mato had when his grandpa (old toto) did not come to his rescue when he called for his help for the 3rd time (he played pranks on his family for the first 2 times, his family did not believe him, thus did not go to his help for the 3rd time). those footsteps were created in sync with the last part of our video, where there was this scene where PINE PINE dragged mato back to his cave. so those bloody footsteps were done so to as to create the same feel that has already been created in the video..

interesting! as mentioned, livetype is a whole new software that i have never learnt about. this chance allowed me to have a better understanding on livetype.

ALSO, before i forgot, i realised that fcp was not able to import .avi file TODAY! don noe yijie heard frm who that fcp was able to import .avi files.. well, was not able to import our title file into fcp. flash did not allow us export our video as a .mov file.. dont know because of some publish settings that are different so it was not able to export. LUCKILY for us (art department), ivan helped us with it. we exported our file as a jpeg sequence from flash.. before importing into aftereffects and then exporting it as a .mov file again! it sounds confusing but nevertheless, i learnt something new again today.. learnt how to work around corners if going straight is not a choice. =D

thanks ivan!